Handling Editing Assignments

Assignment #3

By Michael Morgan

In doing assignment #2, I had to edit grammatical errors and mistakes involving AP style, which I have done before. When reading the article about Michael Brown’s death, I had to do something that I have never done before, and that is searching for lack of sensitivity in articles.

            John Eligon clearly lacked sensitivity when writing the profile on Brown, due to the poor choices in words such as, “no angel,” and publishing the article on the day of the man’s funeral. When editing or reviewing any future articles or essays, I will know to not only search for AP style and grammatical errors, but I will search for sensitivity issues from reporters or those involved in the story.

            In receiving comments on my assignment #2, I realized that I still make some simple mistakes that can be fixed by taking more time when reviewing my writing, using my AP stylebook more, and limiting my use of excessive commas.

            When reading chapter three of the textbook, I learned a lot of symbols that I did not know coming in to the class. I knew that I had to search for those mistakes when editing, but I was simply using the wrong punctuation when correcting them. The book stated that the main things to search for when editing a piece are the headlines/titles, layout, captions, blurbs, and to take a deeper look at the text (nothing that can be libel, lack of sensitivity, etc..).

            My editing techniques definitely need some improvement, but in reading the textbook, and paying close attention to comments that I get on assignments this semester will help that.

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